Tuesday, February 18, 2025

A Year in Woolly Wonders

Woolly WondersA Year in Woolly Wonders
by Kerry Lucas.

This new book contains patterns for 12 quirky but delightful British woodland creatures for you to knit. Each creature has a set of accessories for you to make too which you can mix and match to make your own little woodland family.

Each pattern contains full easy to follow instructions detailing everything you need to know to complete your project along with a list of materials and tools required. 

Now available to order direct from our store or all good bookshops.

So well thought out Kerry...... an amazing book......well done ‘ – Mary, Rugby

'Loving knitting these quirky characters. Brilliant for using up oddments of my wool stash.' - Lesley, Kenilworth

'this book is perfect with a different animal to craft for each month' - Let's Knit magazine

'Packed with 12 woodland animal knits, it really is a bookshelf gem' - Simply Knitting magazine

Sample Pages

Press information

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Author bio: PDF

Author picture: High Res (.png), Low Res (.png)

Press sampler including publication and marketing information: High res PDF, Low res PDF

Book blurb: PDF

Cover image: High Res, Low Res

Sample pages as images: High Res (.zip), Low Res (.zip)

Complete Pack: .zip

All requests for further press information should be sent to press@beercottbooks.co.uk